How did we achieve climate positivity?
If we can measure it, we can change it. That’s why, in partnership with Plan Be Eco, we calculate the total carbon footprint in three scopes, under the GHG protocol.
We encouraged our partners and attendees to limit their carbon footprint as much as possible by promoting sustainable communication, booth construction and gadgets.
After the Summit, we will offset the entire CO2 emission by creating, together with Orange Polska, a forest in the buffer zone around the Biebrza National Park – the “Women in Tech Forest for Planet”
If we can do it, so can you!
Take your first step to stop the climate crisis and take a challenge to become climate neutral as a person and organization.
Let’s delve into the details:
The total carbon footprint of the Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit for the period 1.01 – 10.06 2022 is:
Mg – Megagrams (tons)
What does the report cover?
Before – all emissions emitted by the core team during the Summit preparation process (1.01 – 7.06 2022)
- Business travels
- Remote work
- Commuting
- Digital marketing
- Participants’ transport and accommodation
- Electricity
- Food and beverages
- Printed materials
- Partners’ stands
- Virtual event
- Materials transport
Carbon footprint Summary
Reporting period:
1.01 – 10.06 2022
Total Carbon Footprint
480,263 Mg CO2e
Carbon footprint per 1 participant
0,046 Mg CO2e
Carbon footprint per 1 partner
6,003 Mg CO2e
Learn more about our carbon footprint in our publication “Carbon Footprint”
Achieving climate positivity demanded a lot of activities, that aimed to reduce the Summit’s carbon footprint.
Starting with encouragement to our participants to use public/low emission transportation to the summit, switching to a vegan diet on site, and providing tap water instead of plastic bottles.
The following section will cover only few reduction actions, that are compared to the business as usual activities.
Courtesy of the Warsaw City Hall, we were able to provide all Summit participants with Warsaw tap water served in paper cups. The water was transported by electric trucks, so we achieved a significant reduction in our carbon footprint.

Vegan food
About a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions in the world come from agriculture. Producing meat and dairy is responsible for almost 60% of that – and it takes up a whopping 83% of agricultural land! At the same time, these animal products meet only less than 20% of humanity’s caloric intake.
This is why we decided to make the Summit 100% vegan event.

What is the estimated amount of avoided emissions?
Reduction summary
According to presented calculation, with implemented reduction activities we saved:
With this commitment, we reduced greenhouse gas emissions throughout the summit by
The calculated reduction includes only a few actions. Throughout the summit, we took several other actions that we believe had a significant impact on our final carbon footprint results.
Learn more about our reduction activities in our publication “Reduction Summary”
Orange Polska provides the offset of the entire Summit emissions. The everlasting “Women in Tech Forest for Planet” is created in the buffer zone of the Biebrza National Park. These trees will never be cut down for industrial purposes
Orange Polska purchased carbon offsets for the equivalent of 800 Mg of CO2e. This means that the entire event was Climate Positive – it offset more than it emitted.
We offset
more than we emitted
Learn more about our Climate Action
There is no Planet B
prepared by: Plan Be Eco