14-15 June 2023
Warsaw, Poland
The Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit is the favorite event
for women in Tech&IT in Europe.
Last edition brought together 10 432 participants
participants from 84 countries.
This time Summit goes hybrid!
2 days offline + online full of knowledge, fresh ideas, meetings with great people,
job opportunities and deep networking.
Please join us for the big celebration for women in computing,
tech and science!
Let’s meet in Warsaw and make 2023 brilliant together!
Take part in person
599 PLN (149 USD)
- 2 days of the physical event in Warsaw
- 3 months access to the stage recording
Take part from your home
199 PLN (49 USD)
- 2 days of the online event in the platform
- 3 months access to the stage recording
Do you study Tech&IT?
Join us for free!
- 2 days of the physical event in Warsaw
- 3 months access to the stage recording
Why you should join
the Summit?
Boost your career in the tech world!
Expand your knowledge, skills and networking! Get inspired and empowered to run the world in the upcoming challengingtimes!
Who is the Summit for?
What is the Summit about?
What does the Summit mean?
Inspirational Keynote Speakers

Career Expo

Mentoring Zone

Smart Networking

TOP 100 Women in AI
Future Labs
Big Fat Celebration
of Women in Tech&IT

Together, let’s write
a new story for
a sustainable future.
Time for sustainable leadership
We believe in women and their power to change the world. We believe in the value of science and technology as the tools allowing us to know, understand and create amazing solutions to the most urgent problems of today. For the first time in history women can really do anything! Thanks to their minds, sensitivity and empathy the world has a chance for new history. – Her Story.

Bianka Siwińska
Perspektywy Education Foundation CEO,
Summit Director

Here she is: real AI super (S)HEro!
Special Guest of the Summit will be Dr. Rumman Chowdhury – who created a first-in-industry algorithmic Fairness Tool to identify and mitigate bias in AI systems. She’s a pioneer in the field of applied algorithmic ethics, creating cutting-edge socio-technical solutions for ethical, explainable and transparent AI. Her extensive knowledge, deep understanding and social commitment open the way for new technologies to make the world better and more sustainable. She is currently the Director of META (ML Ethics, Transparency, and Accountability) team at Twitter. Dr. Chowdhury holds two undergraduate degrees from MIT, a master’s degree in Quantitative Methods of the Social Sciences from Columbia University.
Rumman Chowdhury
Director of AI Ethics,
Summit’s Impact
77 WORKSHOPS to boost your career
From clean code, team building, visual thinking and graphic facilitation, through machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and inclusive technology to cybersecurity, adversary simulations and DevOps Engineering.
How to sign up for the pre-events?
*Note: Pre-events are available for already registered Summit participants only.
Step 1: Go to your Summit profile
Step 2: Chose the event you want to participate in
Step 3:Click on register button
Then you should see the green confirmation screen: “You have been registered”
Lost your Summit Profile link? Recover it!
Partners 2022
The project is conducted and cofinanced in 2019-2022 as part of the „Dialog”
program of the Ministry of Education and Science of Poland.


Take part in person
590 PLN (149 USD)
- 2 days of the physical event in Warsaw
- 4 stages
- Career expo
- Mentoring Zone
- Job Board
- Special events
- 3 months of access to the stage recordings
*workshops are not included
Take part from your home
190 PLN (45 USD)
- 2 days of the online event on the platform
- 2 stages
- Virtual Career Expo
- Mentoring online
- Job Board
- 3 months of access to the stage recording
*workshops are not included
Are you a female tech&IT student?
Apply for a free ticket!
- 2 days of the physical event in Warsaw
- 4 stages
- Career expo
- Mentoring Zone
- Job Board
- 3 months of access to the stage recording
*workshops are not included
Our commitment for the Planet
We care about the Planet!
We do believe that women can play a crucial role in mitigating the climate crisis.
That is why we decided to do the Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit 2022

How do we want to make it happen?
Climate plays an important role in the Summit’s agenda. We want to create space for the most talented women in tech to discuss the climate crisis challenges, talk about technological solutions and the ideas of the global transformation.
We want to make it bold and visible.
Climate neutrality is about reduction and offset. We want to reduce all reducible emissions that occur during the Summit’s preparation. We will promote public transport for our attendees, reusable stands, and no single plastic rule.
In cooperation with Plan Be Eco, we will calculate the total carbon footprint of Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit 2022. The analysis will be carried out under the GHG Protocol, in 3 emission ranges.
We believe that if we can measure it, we can change it!
In this way, we are introducing new climate standards to the event industry.
Together with Orange Polska, we will offset the entire Summit emissions. How? Everlasting “Women in Tech Forest for Planet” will be created in the buffer zone of the Biebrza National Park. These trees will never be cut down for industrial purposes
Climate positive Summit partners



Friends are back together
At the Perspektywy Education Foundation, we believe in the power of cooperation and knowledge exchange. This is why we want to invite 300 talented female tech students from Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia to join the Summit.
This year, friends are back together again!
We stand with Ukraine!
We invite all Ukrainian citizens involved in Tech, Science, Innovation to join us for free!